Here is Rachel looking pretty! She chose a great dress for her basketball banquet. The slide show prepared by the coaches was really fun!

I don't think people get a chance to see Maddox smiling. He doesn't do it much unless he's at home, but he's full of smiles. Here he is reaching for the camera!

Kailyn is well on her way to making her goal of selling 400 cookies! (She's at 385!) Here she is with her friend Ryleigh, delivering cookies last week.

I love this one! Looks like Rachel and Maddox are texting each other. He is such a button king. He loves anything and everything with buttons! :)

For the past couple of weeks everyone here has been sick. Two weeks ago it was pink eye. This week it's sinus/upper respiratory infection. The little ones had double ear infections last Friday. Lacey constantly sucks on her two middle fingers and since she's always the 1st one sick, I'm sure that she's picking up germs. I've started really making her wash her hands more often and I got some hand sanitizer for shopping trips. I'm not really one to use the stuff, since it not only kills bad bacteria on the skin, but ALL bacteria on the skin. Our skin needs the good bacteria to fight off the bad ones and protect the skin. My lotion FINALLY came yesterday. (It was backordered.) I love it since it contains nutrients for the good bacteria on the skin. I much prefer that over the sanitizer, but for now it's sanitizer plus the lotion after, at least when we're away from home. Too bad I wasn't doing it before, because this cough the kids have is horrible! We have been at home, though, the last few days. I let Kailyn do a Girl Scout badge fair on Saturday and then cancelled all other plans so far. I'm hoping she can attend Girl Scouts tomorrow. They'll be having a GS "birthday party." I was hoping a few days of rest would get us over this yucky cough. It's definitely helping...but not moving fast enough for me. :o)