For our August vacation time, we made a LONG drive out to North Carolina to see some good friends who moved there last year. Here's Lacey and Cameron. They were so happy to finally see each other! The biggest surprise, however, was the way Cameron just LOVED Korbin! He was everyone's big brother that week. He didn't mind everyone climbing on and roughhousing with him, in spite of the fact that he's usually quiet and not so rough and tumble. We felt like we just got to relax and have a wonderful time there. Harby and Elliot let us stay with them... which made 10 of us between both families and it never felt crowded! It wasn't even until the very end of the time there that Cameron started to seem that she wanted her space back. These photos were taken at the Greenville Zoo in South Carolina.

Once we got home, we decided it was time for the little ones to get their first haircuts. Kailyn decided to donate another 10 inches of her hair to locks of love as well. Maddox was very wary of the stylist until she took the time to make him comfortable with bubbles. What a great experience! He never cried.