I have researched ways to solve my issues with paper clutter time and time again, each time coming up with very few solutions that work for me. The biggest problem with my paper clutter is that I have many "active" papers that I cannot complete for a time. I'm sure there are many out there like me who wear many hats. As for me this school year, I homeschool four at home, teach between 1-2 classes per week in a Classical co-op, am a unit leader twice per month in my daughter's AHG group, and also have responsibilities as a nursery pastor at the church. We have papers! I purge as much as I can, file less than I should, and stack, stack, stack. You (ok, I) cannot file active papers. My active papers include unread mail, periodicals, coupons, receipts (lots of returns at the finish of projects when not all supplies were needed and I will be reimbursed), stacks of non-consumable pages we use each week in co-op, and the books, supplies, and name tags for AHG. To organize these items, I found the perfect place!! I suppose it's a dresser, but to me, it's an "active paper file." (It's my new indispensable piece of furniture!)
Each drawer contains a different stack of papers. I even used a labeler to identify (discreetly) the papers that go in each drawer. This way, my entire family is privy to my system. ie: they can help. :)
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