Friday, August 5, 2016


Going from a spacious two-story home to a fifth wheel requires significant downsizing. Let me assure you that even though we began the process of purging back in February, that now in August, we are far from our goal. Letting go is not easy. For the past month I would rummage through boxes of stuff we have in the laundry room building and just close the boxes back and leave them be. It is emotionally draining to look at each thing and decide its fate.

Our stuff is in six places on two properties. Most of what we are keeping is here in the RV with us. Most of our outdoor stuff is in our shed that we brought with us; the rest is in the workshop building on the property. Many boxes and our washer/dryer are in the laundry room building here. The rest of our stuff is upstairs in Jeff's parents' house, in the upper room and filling their attic.

Yes, it really does fill their huge attic! What a mess! (I'd say about 75% of this is ours.) A couple weeks ago I went over there and took as much as I could fit in the back of the Suburban. As we were moving they got less and less excited about us bringing stuff to fill the attic. We are so very blessed to have use of their home for storage, as it saves us in storage unit fees. (We usually try to treat them to dinner or something each month as a 'thank you' gesture, although I know they don't expect anything in return.)
This is what we've done to their upstairs spare room and workout space. Much of this would be ruined in a hot and humid attic. I can't wait to get this cleaned out for them!!
This is the inside of one of the closets in that room. I couldn't bear to part with all of my books. I sold many at Once and Again bookstore, donated some, and still have many more (kids' books that Kai is keeping) that I'm not sure where to put. My current use curriculum books fit in the RV.
Here is the stuff in the laundry room building. I spent over two hours getting it to this point this morning before it got too hot. I would have taken a before picture, but I truly believed I had already done that. :(

I hope that once all of the boxes are sorted, items donated or sold, and we have officially completed the downsizing process that I will feel more peaceful. It really is nice to be in a tiny space. I know it isn't for everyone, and I'm not sure I could have done it before now. I felt God preparing me in the last few months for this move. While fixing up the house for sale, I was acutely aware of the distance I needed to walk from room to room, the sprawling size of each room, and how much time it took me to do things that required walking from room to room. That sounds absurd, but that's how I felt during that time. I enjoy having everything in arm's reach in the kitchen and bathroom. Once I get rid of the extra junk I will have less stuff to burden my time and thoughts. That is what I mean when I say I would like to feel more peaceful. With great possessions come great responsibility. 

I'd much rather focus on the now. Korbin will be 18 in a year and a half. (!) He is entering his junior year of High School. I have a full course-load for him this year. I'd like to really help him hone his skills in APA formatting, finish his Eagle project, start driving, and encourage him to pursue a passion. He wasn't interested in driving while living in such a busy part of town. Once we began the process of moving, he finally told me he wanted to. Of all the kids, he is probably feeling the tightest squeeze from this living arrangement. He is very stoic about the whole thing most of the time, though. Being mid-summer in the Houston area makes it hard for him to get out much, as he thoroughly enjoys the cold and equally detests the heat. We'll see how he does in the winter. Depending on his life plans, he may not be here more than 2 winters. (yikes!) I just can't imagine. I'm so not there yet, but all I can do is just make sure to help him be ready for it and let go of him when he is. 

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