Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Tiny House- 1 year later

 Today marks one year since we moved into our 5th wheel. It's hard to believe so much time has passed. It doesn't feel like it's been that long at all. Although, many things have happened in the last year, and in some ways it feels like it has been longer!

Once the 5th wheel was delivered, Jeff spent hours digging water and sewer lines. Once the power pole went up and we had water/septic hooked up, we moved in.

One year ago

One year ago today. This is what moving in looked like.
I'm sure Korbin would have been completely stressed out- instead, he was at Philmont Scout Ranch.
We have enjoyed country living. Less traffic, more outdoors. I have gotten a small taste of basic sustainability- growing food, milking goats, and enjoying nature.
Target practice
Drying clothes outside
Planting a cornfield
Her first catch
Helping each other pick dewberries
Behind the okra
New baby goat
If you're wondering why Lacey appears in most of the photos, I think it's just because she spends the most time making the most of what the outdoors has to offer. Kailyn is outside more, but Lacey is just doing more.

I have truly enjoyed to closeness the 5th wheel has allotted us. I definitely had a couple of panicked moments before moving, wondering if we would be able to stand such a small space. It turns out we are just fine. In fact, I'd say we are better than before. Yesterday, Korbin told me that he expected it to be harder to share a room with all of his siblings. He thought they would keep him up all night and fight with each other without the ability to get away. In our house they often did this. People would sit and stew over arguments in their rooms. Since moving into the same room, however, they may get irritated with each other, but I've read that moving into such a small space will create a situation in which family members can no longer get away from each other, which actually forces them to work out their differences. We have found this to be completely true. Maddox used to frustrate everyone and end up alone in his room. Now, if he frustrates everyone, they are onto him- either getting really upset and needing intervention (from me) or talking to him and not letting him get away with things. Korbin used to spend lots of time alone in his room. Now, he has everyone there with him and they have formed close relationships, laughing and talking into the night. He used to stay far from physical contact, yet now he is more comfortable in close quarters. Lacey loved the idea of a tiny home years before the rest of us came around, only to be devastated at the loss of her big house. I think it was mainly the change from the familiar. She obviously has enjoyed her time outside. Kailyn is probably the easiest on all fronts. She is just so giving of herself and does not complain. She likes having so much space to walk around outside. 
K&K listening to a homework assignment together.

Some harder things about living here are firstly- NO BATHTUB. There is no sugar-coating that in my mind. It is my go-to remedy for stress, muscle pain, and any oncoming illness for anyone. I chose a unit that had the best insulation we could get. In doing so, I had to forgo the bathtub. It was worth it, but I still miss the bathtub. 
The second hard thing has been the water. When we first moved, the water tested positive for bacteria and the water pressure has always been below 30psi. Just recently we were without water for a couple of weeks, off and on, as we worked on fixing it. Now that the pressure issue is much improved, I suspect the bacteria issue may be as well. I'm planning to order another testing kit to find out. I think that because the pressure tank was busted, that bacteria was growing in that tank. It's really just a theory, so I'll be testing that shortly. If I'm right, then we'll finally be able to use our ice and water dispenser in the refrigerator! For that last year we've been buying bottled water. 
Our water pressure at its worst, which happened to be when I came home from camp longing for a shower.

One other unexpected drawback to living in a tiny space is that I have actually lost muscle tone and flexibility. When you can reach the light switch, door, closet, window, and dresser from your bed, you don't move as much as you used to. I also don't have open floor space to stretch the way I like. So in order to keep in shape, I have to make a more concerted effort. I've started jogging and stretching to help with this. 

Something that just happened this month is that we traded in our old Ford truck for a new Ram large enough to tow our home. It is frightening to think of moving this thing, but once we get used to it, I'm sure I'll overcome my fear. It is such a relief to finally have a truck big enough to pull our home. It just felt weird not having one for so long.  My main concern with moving it is the initial getting out on the road. Our 5th wheel is in a fairly precarious spot, and it took the professional a little head scratching to get it in place. I told Jeff I might have to leave before he moves it. I can't watch.
Jeff's new baby

So we are planning a trip to Dallas this summer. I haven't made any reservations or anything like that. 
First, we'll take it in for inspection and see how that goes. (RV's require yearly inspections, regardless of whether or not they are stationary.) 

Before we can move it, I have some cleaning to do. I would like to get rid of what isn't going to be good for travel. There are things like porcelain piggy banks, large bronze urns holding change, glass cookware, and mason jars. I have a hunch those things don't really travel well, not to mention the stuff in the refrigerator. (Keep in mind I milk my goats and have 1/2 gallon mason jars in the fridge.) For our coffee mugs, I found a basket to keep them in, and am looking for a solution for the mason jars. Ideas are welcome. Plastic is not a good way to store goat milk, so I may need some kind of protection for the jars rather than other options for storing the milk. 

I recently bought new bedding for the girls and made them curtains for their cubbies. They love it. They sleep with the curtains drawn closed. The addition of our kitchen table has been wonderful. We can all sit together for dinner and games. People can draw, do schoolwork, sew, or craft at the table. The pedestal tables were not holding up to the rigors of full time living. The dog would walk by, bump the table, and spill whatever drink was on it. Playing games there was challenging as well.
Playing the game Lacey made for AHG
Playing the game Kailyn made for AHG
The new table
I am so glad to be able to sit with the whole family around the table again. It feels more like a home to me. We eat dinner together, and lately have tea time all together. We try to play games about once a week. There is something special about sitting around a table together. I'm so thankful we found a way.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

What are we doing? A word about Easter.

This particular post is meant for those who consider themselves followers of Christ. You are welcome to read it if you don’t, but know that the intended audience is Christians, and that it just doesn’t apply unless you consider yourself one.

It’s springtime, and with it comes the obvious. You cannot walk into any retail establishment without noticing all the Easter decorations. Easter is touted as the most important holiday of the Christian calendar, signifying the ultimate work of Jesus on earth, the crucifixion and resurrection. The problem is? It isn’t. Jesus did not rise on Easter Sunday. I’m sorry. 


I know we have been told He did. But it isn’t really the truth. If it is, the bible becomes disconjointed and we miss out on what was intended. 

What in the world?

Stay with me. If you’ll remember (or you can read John 13) “It was just before the Passover…” Oh, yeah. The Jewish feast. 

Oftentimes, like this year, the Passover and Easter overlap each other, so this tiny detail matters little unless you really study it and think about it. But not last year. Last year, the two were a month apart. Passover began Friday, April 22 at sundown and ended April 30th at sundown. Easter fell on March 27.    A month, y’all. 

Why does this even matter? 

In Luke 22:15-16 Jesus says… “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer." Some bibles call this the “Last Supper” because Jesus died shortly after and because Jesus also said, “I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God.”  I think the church has surmised that because Jesus won’t be eating the Passover until the Kingdom comes, then we should follow his example. 

But in 1 Corinthians 5, Paul has just addressed a terrible controversy in that church and parallels the acceptance of one man’s sin in that church to leaven at Passover. If you don’t know, during Passover the Hebrew people take all leavening out of their homes during the festival time, which is about a week long. No baking soda, yeast, vinegar, etc. If it could make the dough rise, it was out. Leaven is synonymous with sin here, and Paul says that just a tiny bit will fill the whole of the dough, or in the case of sin, the whole of the church. 1 Corinthians 5:8 is the famous line we hear at communion, “Therefore let us keep the feast…” Paul’s ministry came after Jesus. It is clear by this passage that the Hebrews were still celebrating the Passover after Jesus’ ascension. My point is that they were not waiting for the Kingdom to come to celebrate it.

The origins of the word Easter are up for debate. Some say it is named after the pagan equinox festival “Eostre,” meaning “East,” while others mention “Ishtar,” a pagan goddess of fertility. The word “Passover” is notated as “Pesach” in Hebrew or “Pascha” in Greek/Latin. “Easter” is often interchanged with “Pascha,” which makes it seem like the holidays are one in the same. Yet, given that these two holidays do not always line up on the calendar, I don’t see them as the same. One is true; one is false. Add to that the fact that the pagan aspects of Easter have survived so long and it becomes clear that things aren’t adding up. Anyone can look up the pagan origins of Easter. That’s a no-brainer. My question is, “What place does that have in a church that claims to follow Christ?”

This is a really deep subject. I don’t want to go that deep. have only touched the surface of this here. It is simple to me, but maybe because I dug into it before. I encourage you to dig for yourself. I would never want anyone to take everything I say and apply it to themselves. The good Lord gave us a brain for a reason. Seeking out the truth is what he desires from us. Too often we sit and wait and absorb the knowledge fed to us. Read your bible. Do a google search. Pray about it. 

Because Easter is richly steeped in pagan practices, our family no longer observes that day and have opted to seek out and celebrate the Passover. We are not good at it. It hasn't been an easy or comfortable transition, but it gives us peace. The commerciality of every holiday is nauseating. I love pretty things, and am addicted to sugar like the next guy, but that is not the Father’s best. I will still be your friend if you want to celebrate Easter. (99% of my friends do, unless they are just afraid to mention the elephant in the room) But I would not be much of a friend if I didn’t tell you why I don’t. 

I don’t have all the answers. The main thing I keep remembering is that the Lord told his people NOT to worship him the way the pagans did. (Deut 12) I love Him. I want to honor Him. If I kept up a tradition my old boyfriend enjoyed in order to celebrate something for my husband, that would be absurd. And really mean. That isn't love. It is not harmless. It is not an oversight.

I'm curious if any of my friends have celebrated the Passover, and if so, how you do it. Our culture just doesn't talk about it, and I wasn't raised in a home that celebrates it, so I don't know a whole lot. It seems way simpler than other holidays, which is nice, as it isn't a prime target for commercialism. :) I would love to hear how your family observes this ancient feast. Please comment and tell me your experience!

Monday, March 13, 2017

What's in your medicine cabinet?

Boy Scout first aid kit circa 1950's

What does your medicine cabinet look like? Everyone handles the care and comfort of their families in the best way they can. All of us are looking for ways to improve upon that and there is always room for improvement. 

When I was a little girl we saw our family physician regularly. He delivered me and my sister. We loved Dr. Hill. We always went to him when we got sick. Not every little cold, but when we were hit hard enough to miss school and need a doctor’s note, we were there. We also knew the drill. See the doctor. Get a shot. Take the green cough medicine. It was codeine. An opiate. We kept in in the medicine cabinet at home and would self-treat when symptoms reoccured. I liked it. I wonder why? It is seriously addictive and dangerous when overdone. Repressing symptoms is dangerous anyway, but I digress.

Growing up, our family's medicine cabinet held tons of prescription left-overs, headache medicines and pain relievers, antacids, and cold medicines. It looked like the medicine shelf at the drug store.

Fast-forward a couple of decades and I was newly married and raising a family. I continued visiting the same doctor until I got pregnant. Then, I saw an OB since things had changed and family physicians didn’t really deliver anymore. It was rare I would need to see a doctor, but when I did, there was usually a prescription to go along with it.

The kids were another story. We did vaccinate. I won’t talk about this here, but they were always sick. Recurring ear infections, eczema, asthma, milk intolerance, long-term constipation, dire stomach pain, full blown food allergies, hay fever, and yearly colds. The yearly colds happened to the girls, for whom I could count on a month-long string of doctor visits, nights sitting up to breathe, nebulizer treatments, cranky kids, and a nervous mom. February, in case you want to know which month.

For our health issues, I supplemented vitamin c, fish oil, multivitamins, and limited sugar. After that, I depended on medicines the doctors recommended. I had limits. We were not doing a month (!?) of Miralax. Instead, we added prunes. This seemed to help. Instead of steroid cream, I added fish oil to the diet and removed hydrogenated oils to heal eczema. Eczema is often associated with future asthma. I am relieved that the child who suffered from eczema is the one child who does not suffer from asthma. Thank you, Alice, for your suggestion about essential fatty acids!! I have removed dairy and other sensible things in order to get to the root cause of illnesses, and not just suppress symptoms. I have now added raw dairy, which is far more digestible than the pasteurized version at the store. (And it's practically free, since I have my own goats!)

So my own medicine cabinet had pretty much the same things as they did growing up, sans antacids. (Those are so bad for you!!) I did have a TON of supplements that helped us enjoy somewhat better health than when I was a kid.

Things are very different now. In full disclosure: I have 2 medicines that are over the counter run-of-the-mill drugs. I have a bottle of Flonase for Jeff and an inhaler for Kailyn. His hay fever is bad and this helps him. Perhaps when the girls have success with homeopathy he will do that too. Today I just ordered the medicines to root out asthma and allergies. Kailyn had a bad asthma attack at track last week. She began to lose vision because she didn’t know she had to stop running. She thought she could press through it. (!!!!) She forgot her inhaler. She uses it so rarely, I can understand that. It’s been months since she’s used it. We ended up using an oil to help soothe her airways and a homeopathic to fix it. I didn’t have the right homeopathic, but I rubbed her back and had her rest and drink lots of fluids. In case you’re wondering, we are putting her on an adjusted track workout. Just jumping. She doesn’t need to ever do that again. Maybe she can heal and try next year. We also have a nebulizer, but the albuterol expired, so it's there just in case. 

This journey has been long and is so full of detail that I’m going to skip ahead and give you a cheat sheet. My methods may seem crazy to you, but we only see the doctor to get physicals for the teenagers now. They knew me well before. I am so thankful for all the help and care we have received. However, I am much happier to have the ability to care for minor issues at home and root them out before they become serious. 

My healing cheat sheet

This list has been 20 years in the making. It has taken many sleepless nights and long-suffering to create. That is not an exaggeration. When I’m the sick person I can’t even think straight and suffer needlessly because no one else is thinking of what to do. I will break it down and save you about 20 years. You’re welcome.

my oil collection

Essential Oils: I use Young Living only. People have their brands, this is mine. This brand can be diffused, used topically, and taken orally. (The Vitality line is labeled for digestive purposes, and the same exact product is packaged for topical use with another label, per FDA guidelines.) Get an app for your phone that tells you what to use them for. Using essential oils supported my kids’ immune system to the point that doctor visits went from several times a year, including a full month of horrid colds, to only 1-2 visits per year (AS A FAMILY- like, one kid once and MAYBE one kid another time for illness.) That was life changing; so much so that I educate others about essential oils. 

Homeopathy: I have stories. Injuries, illnesses, and emotional issues are all included in those stories. I'll have to share some later. Suffice to say homeopathy is very powerful medicine and I now cannot imagine life without it. I have a kit of 100 meds  (also called remedies), another kit of 50 remedies,  another kit of 12 remedies, dozens of remedies I’ve collected from Whole Foods, Granary, HEB and The Vitamin Shoppe, and I order from a pharmacy for what I cannot get locally. I carry a dozen or so remedies with me at all times. One thing to know is to store them away from your essential oils. This summer I am leading a homeopathic study group that I am making available locally or online. Please let me know if you want to be on the list for the next class! You’ll be glad you did.
all this...
in here

Vitamin C and D3. Buy a good brand. Walmart is not good. 

Herbs- I order some from Mountain Rose. I make teas from chamomile, hibiscus, and ginger. Some of my homeopathic protocols include herbal tinctures. Never buy cheap herbs. 

Honey and  cinnamon- 1 teaspoon of raw or Manuka honey mixed with 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon (Mountain Rose is what I use) will often knock out respiratory symptoms when taken every 3 hours. (We take it more than the blog suggested.)

Bone Broth can be made at home with the bones of meat you cook with. You can find recipes here and here. Collagen is the part of the broth that is so soothing to the tummy and can be added to hot drinks (I like it in my hibiscus tea with Ninxia Red.) Sole (SOH-lay) is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Good salt is curative. Here’s the place I learned about it. I credit sole with balancing my minerals and helping me feel better while recovering from adrenal issues. I like to add collagen and sole to my bone broth. The 1 teaspoon of sole to the 8 oz of broth is really yummy, warm, and comforting. Sometimes we add a little parsley on the top, a tiny sprinkle of garlic and maybe some pepper.

Berries- my kids can usually stomach these when nothing else sounds good. They are so full of antioxidants. Just make sure you buy organic. (I KNOW it’s so much more $$. But sick bodies don’t need poison.)

Kombucha- I used to make my own, but don't have the space anymore. A friend has invited me to make some at her house. We'll try that sometime when we have a little time to do it! You can read more about kombucha here, here, and here.

Ginger- we like crystallized ginger to soothe a sick tummy. It gives me time to find the right homeopathic medicine.

Activated charcoal is great for cleaning out your insides. I use it when someone is feeling sick, or when I eat something super junky. It absorbs toxins. 

TKM- We call this "The King Method" at home. You can learn more about the King method here. It is a healing technique that simply uses your hands to do the work. I have only scratched the surface with the first aid class I took. Using the knowledge gained there and a little further study, I have stopped bleeding injuries and bruising on multiple occasions, completely circumvented a huge knot on my head (a few times,) significantly lessened a sunburn, brought down a fever, abated nausea, and accidentally detoxed my husband after an expensive glass of bourbon. (The fastest way to detox is via vomiting. He wasn’t feeling sick at all, he just didn’t believe it would work. He won't let me touch him for that anymore.) It's not for everyone, but I would say at the very least, learn how to stop bleeding using this method.

Tuina massage uses specific pressure point massage to heal pediatric coughing. It is seriously awesome. You can learn this very easily. I purchased a quick video course one morning and was able to stop Maddox's croupy cough for several hours with one treatment. I only did the massage 3-4 times over the course of a day and a half and he was well again. 

Our 'tub' 😕

Epsom Salt soak: I love to add essential oils to the salt and then mix into a soothing bath. This can be detoxifying, soothing, or even pain relieving. Missing my bathtub!! We will soak feet in a foot bath if we can’t get the whole body in. Your feet are connected to all systems of your body, so even a foot bath is healing. I have a kiddie pool for the kids to soak in epsom salts in their swimsuits. The hose runs to a hot water spigot on the outside of the RV. Perhaps we'll get a galvanized trough one day.

Juicing: We feel better FAST when we juice! Our go-to recipe is kale, carrots, lemon, beets, apples, celery, ginger, and cucumber.

Lacey after her epsom salt soak in the sun. She was only down one day, but it's so sad when they are down.

Rest allows your body to actually heal itself.

Sunlight is the best source of Vitamin D3.

Lymphatic Massage: Massaging around the ears and throat helps move out clogs and allows your sinuses to drain properly. Dry brushing is a way of stimulating the entire lymphatic system. I try to do this before I shower. Another way to stimulate the lymphatic system is to alternate hot and cold water as you shower. (I try to tell myself the cold water is like a waterfall. I hate the feeling of hot/cold/hot/cold, but I really feel better when I do that!!

Honey Wrap: I do not have personal experience with this. I honestly hope not to. This is two different treatments. 1. you can make a honey wrap for a coughing child to heal the cough. 2. You can coat an injury in honey to facilitate the healing. Raw honey, of course. In my research, I read about a cat with a leg injury that was so bad it was recommended that the leg be amputated. The owner opted to coat the leg in honey and wrapped it up in a bag, basically just soaking it in honey for days. The leg healed completely. There are more stories, but that was the most impressive one.

Chiropractor: They do not just make your back feel better. They can help clear out some underlying disturbances, and facilitate healing in many organ systems. I had one chiropractor that did an lymphatic flush when I came in feeling flu-like. I was better in minutes. The teens are currently seeing the chiropractor weekly. They bring their ailments to her and she changes what she does based on what is going on. Jeff recently had kidney stones and she adjusted for that. BOY, was that a huge help to him. (It was residual pain, not an active stone.)

Body massage: what wouldn’t that help? I can’t afford to just run out and book an hour long appointment, but someone is usually around to rub my feet or shoulders.

A homeopathic electrolyte option

Hydrate, Electrolytes: This is easy to forget. And SKIP those high fructose corn syrup and color-laden options! Opt for Shaklee's Performance, sole, or bioplasma

Probiotics: Fermented foods are one way to get this, but they will only get so far in your gut. Some other probiotics are better taken as supplements since they need to get past the stomach acids to become effective. Some good brands are Shaklee, Probiotic America, and BioKult. These often take time (weeks) to work, so don’t expect a fast improvement, but it’s a reminder to take care of your gut health. The immune system is in the gut.

Calendula and Arnica gels are homeopathic gels that you can find at health food stores and Walgreens. They also make creams and ointments. Calendula is amazing for cuts and burns. Arnica is great for bruising and soreness.

I keep Bandaids and wound strips around. If you use a wound strip on some deeper cuts quickly, you’ll avoid larger scars by taping them closed. I don’t like butterfly strips- they don’t work for me, but the long wound strips are very nice. Those are found at Walgreens. I clean the wound (usually with lavender oil) and put a small amount of Calendula gel on it and then cover it. I might also follow up with a homeopathic that will prevent infection if the situation merits it.

Mg spray is Magnesium spray. This is good for sore or stiff muscles, as well as relaxing for sleep. It’s like an epsom salt bath in a spray bottle. (Although I'd take that bath any day over the spray!)

In addition to this list, I use saline nose spray and saline eyewash for the kids when they have allergy issues. I also use Castor oil for inflamed areas and sore joints and muscles. Looks like I'll be adding to my list! 

Another thing to consider is real food. If you are eating processed items, they are not good. That cannot be overstated. I recommend this website, as well as this one if you are interested in learning more.

There you have it! You know my secrets.

What about you? Do you use any of these? Do you have other things you do that I don’t? Please tell me about them!

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Organizing an RV Part 2: What's in a bathroom- and what I miss

I really like the bathrooms in the 5th wheel. For such a tiny home, the bathrooms feel fairly spacious. Both have fans to the outside, which is helpful in a small space. ;) The half-bath in the kids' room has adequate space. It's not huge, but it holds what they need and functions.

Here is the view standing outside the door (from outside.)

This is a closer picture of the extra storage I hung on the walls. I found the lower piece at Cost Plus, and the larger one at Hobby Lobby.

I hung them using "monkey hooks," which hold up to 35lbs. Those things are really awesome. The inner walls are hollow to allow for these hooks, although narrower than in a house. Command hooks will only hold so much, and even if they are strong, sometimes the wallpaper will not hold the weight.

Here's the vanity. There is an essential oil diffuser plugged in, and I hung my own towel rack. Lacey has requested a faucet that is higher, which I'm looking into.

This is under the sink. The toothbrushes are stored in "Command razor holders." There is plenty of room for spare toilet paper and personal products. The opening is small, but the storage is pretty good.

The master bath is quite spacious, in my opinion.

There is a locking door from the hallway, pictured above, and a sliding door to the master bedroom, pictured below. The picture below makes that door look exceedingly narrow, which it isn't. I added a toilet paper holder by the door, and a hook on the door, which holds my brush for lymphatic dry brushing. I wish I could say I do this often, but alas, I do not. I plan to replace the towel bar so that we can hang more towels to dry, but I'm looking for just the right one. I think I've found it, if I can just remember where that was. :)

The towel bar under the sink is quite convenient. The white soap dish was given to me by my friend Tonya back in high school! It holds my beloved Beauty Counter charcoal bar. This sink is really big. The drain closes, so I am able to fill the sink with cleaning water or soak something.

Above the sink is a fairly sizable medicine cabinet. The lower section holds personal care products, I have another command razor holder for our toothbrushes, and even a hook on the door for a lint roller. The upper shelf is a portion of my medicine/first aid section. My first aid supplies and medicines have had a complete overhaul in the last couple of years. I am convinced we are enjoying more optimal health because of it. That will have to be its own blog post.

Under the sink holds my cleaning supplies, toilet paper, and trash bags (on the door.) I've used grocery bags for years, but love how perfectly these fit the trash cans.

I use Thieves household cleaner, Basic H2, and Basic G, baking soda, vinegar, essential oils, and liquid Barkeepers' Friend, although I'm looking for an alternative. I'm thinking my latest baking soda/essential oils/water mixture will be the winner. The bottle in the back corner is Unique RV Digest-It, an enzyme-based black tank maintenance solution. We have a septic system, so I want to use what's safe for that, with as few chemicals as possible.

This is the linen closet and vanity drawers.

The top shelf houses back up soaps, razors, a nebulizer,  and cosmetic travel bags. The bottom shelf holds bath towels and epsom salts.

This is the counter space. It is quite deep. The white square is a pillow for the skylight to block heat in the summer. Kailyn gave me the candle as a gift, another plug in essential oils diffuser, and then there's the chest for toiletries. the pull-out shelf is useful if the counter gets filled with stuff not put away. The kids usually use it to hold the clothes they'll wear once they shower.

This looks like a mess, but I just cleaned it out. Clockwise: hair brushes and scissors, tooth care and makeup, the jars hold homemade coconut oil mix and a hair heat protectant, more makeup, q-tips, cotton pads. The center squares hold a variety of tools (nail clippers, tweezers, etc) and hair stuff- clips, headbands, etc. Beauty Counter is my makeup of choice. If you want to know more, Lauren can hook you up. :)

The second drawer is the home of my essential oils. I found the dividers on Etsy and LOVE them! I'm five oils away from buying two more and using the 3rd drawer. The oil labels are available on Young Living's website. I keep back-up oils in the cardboard cylinders. I love my oils and can't imagine life without them. I love to teach about them and it's one of my first line defenses for pretty much everything, homeopathy being the second. Speaking of homeopathy, I store my homeopathic medicine in my bedroom office closet to keep them away from the essential oils, as EO's can antidote homeopathic remedies. I plan to lead a homeopathic study group as soon as the school year comes to a close.

The 3rd drawer is for rolled hand towels and face cloths. I obviously need to do laundry. ;) I don't know where they'll go when the oils take over.

Hm. This picture is upside down. The green basket is my first aid supplies, primarily for cuts. Then, there are hair appliances.

Here is the shower. It is full-sized and quite nice. I do have some yucky chemical-laden products, but I'm looking for products my teen son will be happy with. In the meantime, he chooses his own. The hot water is interesting. In order to help the instant water heater work properly, we fill the reserve tank with water, turn on the pump, run hot water in the sink and then hot water in the shower. The water heater needs adequate pressure running through it to heat the water consistently, so when we simply turn on the shower, the water will go hot-cold-hot-cold, which isn't so comfy. I'm glad we found a solution!

And the one thing I miss?

A bathtub. For real. I think of this every day. Every. Day. Some days I am sad for the loss. I consider ways of putting one in. I consider getting an outdoor hot tub. Epsom salt baths were a HUGE part of my wellness repertoire. Mixing some lavender and Pan-Away with epsom salt makes an amazingly relaxing and relieving bath.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

A goat birth story- or two

   The day started out fairly low-key. It was Sunday; Jeff went to work and the kids and I had decided to stay home from church since Kailyn wasn’t home. I was catching up on cleaning up around the house; my main goal for the day was to clear the area we had chosen to start building the chicken coop. Since Kailyn, our goat herder, was spending the weekend at a friend’s house, Lacey insisted on feeding the goats in her stead. 
The wind was picking up with wind gusts nearing 40mph, so I was making sure our outdoor rug was held in place with heavy blocks. I was just about to go back inside when I heard the feed bucket hit the ground and saw Lacey running to the house. 
11:05 “Mom! Mom! Come here! Quick!” she called. I asked her what was wrong and she said she thought Mae was giving birth, that she thinks there was a head out. I ran over to check it out, and sure enough, there was! This was not a good thing, though. Goats are born in a “diving” posture- front hooves first. The danger of the baby coming head-first is a dislocated or broken shoulder. I was not aware of this fact at the time, but the baby looked dead. Its head was cold and it’s tongue was sticking out. It was fairly dry and dirty. I had no idea how long he had been in that position. I immediately found my phone and began calling people. I first called Jennifer, who sold me the goat. No answer. Then I called Kathryn, who does the testing and raises goats and chickens. No answer. Then, I thought of Paola, my homeopathic study group leader, who happens to have livestock. She answered!! That’s when I learned it was really bad to have a baby in this position. (Upon researching this more fully, it seems there can be head-first births that go well. This baby was there over 40 minutes with no change, so intervention was warranted.)
Lacey was distressed. I was distressed. She was so brave and stayed with me to manage the phone. At this point, I’m getting texts and phone calls from Kathryn and Paola. I am told I either need to push the head back in, or reach in for the forelegs. Obviously, I start pushing the head back. But it doesn’t work. The baby begins to show signs of life and I can’t stand putting that much pressure on its head. It’s a goat- they head butt early on, but I was panicking a little. I finally had to do the inevitable. I reached in. I prayed and prayed out loud as I did this. I could find one hoof, but there was no way I could get ahold of it. I finally decided to grab the baby by the shoulders and pull there with the next contraction. It worked!!! Baby #1 was born with his left hoof at his shoulder, and his right hoof laying on his belly all the way down to his back legs. I cleared the mucous from his mouth and had Lacey go get a bucket of hot water and Maddox get a towel. As I was instructed, I rubbed him down hard with the dry towel. His breathing was labored. The first thing I gave was Aconite. Aconite helps in a shocking situation. I gave mom and baby Aconite. I also gave Arnica Montana 200 to address the swelling, alternating every 10 minutes. Lacey called Kailyn to let her know what was happening. My mom went to get fresh straw for us to give them a softer, cleaner space.
12:25 In very short order, kid #2 was born and was walking around bright-eyed and curious after just a few short minutes. This is when I realized kid #1 was in danger. Most striking was the  difference in appearance. Kid #1 was extremely swollen from the neck up. His eyes were swollen shut and he was pretty limp and laid there for some time. He was too weak to stand, so I gave him Cuprum Metallicum 30, often given when there is distress such as a seizure. I also began rolling his shoulder blades and massaging his spine, checking (in my very limited ability) for dislocation or subluxations.
12:35 At this point we changed to Carbo Veg 30, which is given to newborns in distress. His gums were blue and he was breathing with quick shallow breaths, so the medicine seemed a better fit for him. I alternated Carbo Veg and Arnica every 10 minutes. We also tried to help him get milk from his mama.
1:04 His eyes began to open. The swelling was less and I could see his little eyes! I continued alternating remedies and massaging.
1:27 He could finally stand. He had to be raised into this position, but could hold himself up with shaky legs. 
1:46 Our dam got weak and sleepy. She rested her head against the wall. It had been over an hour since the second kid was born and we were not seeing any afterbirth. I began giving her Caulophyllum to help her contractions progress. She perked up in about 5 minutes, got up and drank immediately. Then, she ate some hay. I continued giving alternating remedies to the baby every 20 minutes or so. By 3:00 he could finally get up on his own. At this point we replaced the hay with straw in the goat house. I also had to continue giving the dam Caulo P every 30 minutes or so, as well as one dose of Nat Sulph. In hindsight, I should have given more often, but I was exhausted. I hadn’t eaten all day, so I had to leave her to have some “breakfast” at 3pm. Becky had brought Kailyn home and they stayed for about an hour. She talked me into eating something and Kailyn and Hannah took over watching the goats for me. The afterbirth finally came close to 4pm. The first boy was doing remarkably well, curious and playing like his twin, just a bit weaker.

We came to check on them around 9pm and the baby was less swollen. I gave more Arnica and Carbo Veg. 
       Monday morning he looked just about like the other goat, but still weak. I gave Arnica but forgot Carbo Veg. We also gave them both a bath. Goats aren't real crazy about baths.

By Tuesday he was fully relieved of his swelling, but still wobbly, so I dosed Arnica and Carbo Veg twice. By the second dose, he was finally jumping around playing with his brother and following his mama around. The screaming goat below is baby #2, who screamed while being held the first day. They both like being held now.

             kid #1 named Djali

                kid #2 named Samuel

As for me- I took aconite that first night. I probably should have done it sooner. I was so stressed that I forgot about all prior commitments I had made that day. Kailyn was supposed to babysit. Thankfully, it was for Jennifer, who was aware of our situation, so she offered to have her husband come pick Kailyn up. I also had plans for dinner with Jeannette, another friend who happened to text a reminder to me that day. The following day I think I was still in a state of shock- I still watched the baby goat closely and dosed him as needed. On Tuesday, while talking about the situation with the kids, tears just flowed from my eyes as I spoke, but it was more of a relief kind of tears. At that point I was finally at peace with the whole thing. I don’t think I could ever work in a hospital!

Yesterday, while at our two family co-op I got a call that our second goat was in labor. We rushed home just after the birth of the one baby goat. Polly was a little young for her first kidding, but she did well and is a good mama, even if she was dumb enough to have her baby in the dirt and try to keep him out in the open all night. Her baby was a bit bigger than expected- I think I fed too much grain throughout her pregnancy, but she came through alright. Now we have 3 baby boy goats to sell!

   Polly and Midnight